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Produsul turistic

Tourist product “Colorful Rural Carpathians” is designed within the framework of the project “Harmonization of Tourism Development in the Rural Area of the Carpathian Region”, which is being implemented by the Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk Region in partnership with Main Department of Foreign Relations, Tourism and Trade of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast State Administration, Development Centre for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Maramures (Romania) and Carpathian Foundation – Ukraine within the Hungary – Slovakia – Romania – Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.


The aim of the project is the assistance for socio-economic development of rural communities of Carpathian European region based on the implementation of effective local politics, efficient support tools for tourism industry development and marketing within the border territories of Ukraine and Romania.


Tourist Product “Colorful Rural Carpathians” is elaborated taking into account investigations, carried out by the Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk within the framework of implementation of several projects in the sphere of tourism development and within the limits of the project “Harmonization of Tourism Development in Rural Areas of the Carpathian Region”, namely – sociological studies, marketing audit and the elaborated Rural Carpathians Development Strategy. The statements of the following strategies were also considered: Tourism Development Strategy in North-West Region of Romania, Regional Development Strategy for 2007-2013 (Romania), Strategy of economical and social development of the territories of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast till 2015 and Strategy of tourism development and marketing of Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast till 2015.


The leading specialists and scientists in the sphere of local, regional and national economical and social development, tourism sphere are involved in the elaboration of tourist product.

Acest portal web este dezvoltat in cadrul proiectului Armonizarea dezvoltării turismului în zonele rurale din regiunea Carpatica cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene. Întreaga responsabilitate privind conţinutul portalului este a Asociaţiei de Dezvoltare Economică din Ivano – Frankivsk şi nu reflectă punctele de vedere ale Uniunii Europene.