With the purpose to encourage tourists and to give the financial incentives to tourists, who take rest on the territory of Carpathian European Region to buy goods / services of tourist and recreational sphere, culture and recreational facilities the comprehensive discount system is implemented, which is regulated by the statement about the discount loyalty program “Carpathian Tour Pass”.
The Carpathian Tour Pass is elaborated taking into account of investigations, carried out by the Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk within the implementation of several projects in the tourism sphere and within the project frame “Harmonization of Tourism Development in Rural Areas of the Carpathian Region”, and namely – sociological studies, marketing audit and elaborated Rural Carpathia Development Strategy. The statements of Tourism Development Strategy in North-Western region of Romania, Regional Development Strategy for 2007-2013 (Romania), Strategy of economical and social development of territories of Ivano-Frankivsk region till 2015 and Strategy of tourism development and marketing of Ivano-Frankivsk region till 2015 are also considered. The leading specialists and scientists in the sphere of local, regional and national economical and social development, tourism sphere are involved to the elaboration of Carpathian Tour Pass.