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Ivano-Frankivsk Region

Ivano-Frankivsk Region is part of the historical territory – Galicia, known from the ancient capital – Galych. Another name of the Region – Precarpathians, because from the west it adjacents to the green Carpathians. At different periods in Precarpathians lived celts, germans, thracians, at the beginning of our era settled slavs. Center of the Region was the city Halych that arose 1100 years ago. From it and this land began to call Galicia. Even in times of Kiev Rus the Halychyna becomes the western outpost of the state, soon here was formed a separate kingdom.


In the 12th century on the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region was formed the Galician principality. In the 13th century the territory of the modern Ivano-Frankivsk region belonged to the Galician principality.


In 1199, the prince Roman Mstyslavych united the Galician and Volyn principalities. His son Danylo greatly expanded border of the Galicia-Volyn state. But in the 14th century the state dilapidated and Galicia to four years became part of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1772 Galicia was part of the Austrian Habsburg Empire (from 1867 – Austria-Hungary). After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian the Precarpathians was the cradle of the Ukrainian national movement. In 1918, Galicia formed the West Ukrainian National Republic (WUNR). From January to May 1919, the government of the WUNR was in Stanislav, and on September 1919 Galicia was occupied by Polish troops. To 1939, Stanislaw was the center of the eponymous province of Poland. During the Second World War and in the next years galicians with arms defend the right of existence of the Ukrainian state. In 1944 Stanislav Region moves to the USSR. Since 1962 Stanislav renamed Ivano-Frankivsk. Ivano-Frankivsk region formed on December 4, 1939 (until 1962 - Stanislav Region).


At the end of the 20-th century the state of Ukraine became an independent country located in the center of Europe.


Maramureş County 

After Dacia had been conquered by the Romans, the territory of Maramureş remained outside the Roman province, as an independent territory. In the following centuries the Dacian – Roman society was influenced by its contact with migratory tribes. In the period between the 4th and 10th century, social life consolidated into early feudal settlements, while the church and the feudal state were established as institutions.


By the mid 14th century the whole territory of Maramureş was under Hungarian rule. The first written evidence on Maramureş dates back to 1199 and 1231. Evidence becomes more frequent in the 14th century, in 1359. The medieval burgs of Baia Mare, Baia Sprie and Sighetu Marmatiei were established around existing mining settlements.


In 1526 Maramureş became part of the Principality of Transylvania, then, in 1687, part of the Habsburg Empire and was annexed to Hungary in 1703.


In 1889 the region’s first newspaper in Romanian Language, called “Gutinul”, was issued in Baia Mare. In 1896, with the support of the local authorities, Simon Hollosy founded the Painting Colony, which promoted plein-air impressionist painting.


As a result of the Great National Assembly in Alba Iulia, on 1 December 1918 Transylvania, including Maramureş, united with the Kingdom of Romania.


In 1940, the Vienna Diktat forced Romania to yield the province of Maramureş along with the Northern Transylvania to Horthy’s Hungary. In 1944, Romania regained Northern Transylvania from Hungary.


After the Second World War, Romania became a communist state for almost 50 years and this period ended in December 1989.

This portal was developed within the project "Harmonisation of tourism development in rural areas Carpathian region "with the support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility Economic Development Association of Ivano-Frankivsk and does not reflect the views of the European Union.