Taking into account the fact that more than a half of the population of the Carpathian Region (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast and Maramures County) inhabits villages, the development of rural tourism is important for the region. According to the latest data, about 1100 families work in the sphere of rural tourism with different levels of guest service.
Thus considering the specificity of the region, the solution to the problems of the society is impossible without accelerated economical development, namely the main sector of economy ‒ rural tourism.
The problem of development of rural tourism has acquired special importance over the last few years. The arrangement of recreational areas in the countryside has most positive influence on the economy and ecology of the region on account of the use of existing private housing stock, the expansion of employment sphere of rural population and the possibility of on-site sale of products from individual farm households, providing tourists with organic food and nature preservation as a result of reduction in anthropogenic process. Rural tourism greatly influences public welfare of the village, the development of social infrastructure, service sphere, the improvement of demographic situation in the village. Socioeconomic background for the development of rural tourism is the existing private housing stock. A considerable number of employable population that inhabits rural areas is not employed or has a part-time job. There also exists a problem of distribution of agricultural products, two thirds of which is produced in individual farm households. Thus it is the development of rural tourism in the Carpathian Region that appears to be one of the effective measures aimed at additional creation of new workplaces.
Green rural tourism has already become popular among all the communities of the region. The number of families that accept guests in their cottages is constantly increasing.
The results of research prove that the most popular recreation centers are situated in the villages of the Carpathian Region. Thus according to the results of the research made by Regional Tourist Information Center, green rural tourism is the most popular among the tourists. Carpathian village has rich historic and architectural heritage, culture, original way of life, picturesque landscapes, rich recreational resources, kind, hospitable and hard-working people. At the same time there is an urgent problem of insufficient employment in most of the Carpathian villages.
Green rural tourism is one of the few spheres that not only create workplaces for the inhabitants of the Carpathians but also do it without causing any harm to the environment. The positive influence of green rural tourism on solution of socioeconomic problems of the countryside also lies in the fact that it expands the sphere of employment of rural population not only in the production sphere but also in the service sector. When a certain number of visitors arrive, it becomes necessary to meet their various requirements and in its turn it promotes the development of the tertiary sector: transport, communications, retail, communal services and amenities, recreation, etc.
Today rural tourism in the Carpathian Region is perceived as a specific form of rest in the countryside with the possibility of usage of natural, material and cultural potential of the region. Rural tourism is viewed as an integral part of complex socioeconomic development of rural areas and as one of the ways of solution for a great number of rural problems.
The advantages of the development of such kind of tourist services are evident to everyone. Firstly, there is no need in big investments. Secondly, the development of rural tourism at the same time solves social problems: people get new jobs, have a possibility to sell products they have grown themselves, the infrastructure of the countryside renews itself. There begins the formulation of ecological consciousness of the villagers. It is quite possible that when the question of rural tourism is legislatively fastened, the owners of the cottages will be considered as small businessmen and will pay certain taxes. For today the main task is to create favourable conditions for legalization of this kind of activity as a form of individual farm household and business management in the countryside.
Among the owners of the cottages there are people that work in this sphere from the very beginning of functioning of this sphere of activity. Being rather experienced and having successful results these people help others and share their experience. Such people lead active social life, create tourist information centers, new tourism projects and ideas. To support the development of rural tourism and the advancement of tourist products on the domestic and international tourist markets it is necessary to introduce the classification system of village cottages.
Before the emergence of the term 'rural tourism' people that were engaged in tourism in its conventional meaning were people with appropriate education and work experience in tourism companies. The main difference between rural tourism and traditional tourism is the fact that tourist services are provided by the people that are involved in other spheres of activity (agricultural workers, those that work in service sector, teachers) and deliver services in rural area. The basis of rural tourism is the villager himself and his mode of life.
Today the main obstacle to the development of rural tourism in the Carpathians is unregulated legislation in Ukraine and the absence of regulatory and legal framework on which this kind of tourism could base itself. The main legislative document, that coordinates and regulates engagement in this sphere, is the Law of Ukraine 'On Personal Peasant Holdings' that states that activities connected with individual farm household management (and green rural tourism is a structural element of the latter) do not belong to entrepreneurial activities. The document indicates that the tourism entities in the sphere of rural and green rural tourism are the natural persons (rural homeowners and members of their families), that are not economic entities and deliver services of temporary accommodation of tourists in their own houses.
According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 3/15/2006 of No. 297 on Approval of the Temporary Accommodation Service Provision Procedure, the owners or leaseholders of individual accommodations (no less than 10 sleeping places) provide temporary accommodation services without being registered by the state as economic entities.
Thus on the one hand there is no need in registration or special documents for leading this kind of business, on the other hand ‒ in order to define the criteria with the help of which it would be possible to differentiate between rural tourism and other kinds of activity, it is necessary to legislatively fasten a number of requirements for accommodation and owners of accommodation that provide rural tourism services.
Within the framework of the project 'Creation of the complex system for tourism industry development in Ivano-Frankivsk region' that was introduced by the association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk in 2006, new standards and procedures for tourism services quality improvement (categorization of cottages of rural and green tourism) are established.
During the period 2006 - 2010, 194 cottages situated in Ivano-Frankivsk went trough the procedure of voluntary categorization of the quality of service, placement and installation of light boxes (signs of quality) in Verkhovyna, Dolyna, Kolomyja, Kosiv, Nadvirna and Rozhniativ Regions and Bolekhiv and Jaremche town councils.
The introduction of means of placement categorization stimulates the development of tourism in rural areas. At the same time it is an impetus for the preservation of ecologically pure environment, which will be a considerable factor in the increase of tourist activity in rural areas, the rise of the number of foreign consumers of rural tourist services in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, and pledge of marketing success.
In Maramures County legislation regulates the categorization of cottages, that's why practically all village cottages are classified on the basis of 'flowers' (a chamomile). Methodological norms have minimal criteria, necessary for the assessment of the certificates.