Description of the guesthouse:
Guesthouse with 10 rooms: 5rooms - double, 2 rooms - triple, 1double room - four, 2 rooms - six. All rooms include: coffee table,wardrobe, chairs and beds. Thehouse also has a dining room,kitchen, kettle, crockery, fridge, microwave and satellite TV. Watersupply: cold and hot water. Additionalservices: excursions andhiking in the mountains with aprofessional guide (bus Mercedesthe 24-seater, ZIL-131 with theregistration tent and UAZ-469),sauna, horseback riding, accommodationtent camp, rafting.
9 Zhabjevska St., Verchovyna,
Ivano-Frankivsk Region, 78700
tel.: +38 (067) 7899551, (03432) 25248

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Carpathian region "with the support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility
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