Description of the guesthouse:
Tămaş House is a guesthouse locatedin Târgu Lăpuş town fromMaramureş County, the exit towardRohia village. The guesthouse has 8 doublerooms, can accommodate 16 peopleand is 2 flowers certified. In thepension there is private parking, garden, dining place, kitchen, children’splayground, 2 bathrooms, wireless internet and TV. Upon request we can providebreakfast, lunch and dinner orother options, if desired. The foodis natural, most of them are fromour own production (meat, eggs, vegetables, honey, brandy). The building was completely renovatedin the spring of 2011 andoffer very good accommodationcondition. The tourists who arrived in theLand of Lăpuş can visit Rohiamonastery, wooden churches, craftsmen or can go hiking in thearea.
No. 5, Şoimului Str., Târgu Lăpuş Town,
Maramureş, România, 435600
tel.: +40(262)384610