Description of the guesthouse:
A traditional wood house (2 flowersomologated), completely renovated,located in Zăvoi (The Wild Park), atthe confluency of the Mara and Izarivers. The interior design elementsrecreate the ambiance of a authentic Maramureş house: carpets, householdappliances, pottery. Glass iconshave their privileged place and theyare painted by the host himself. The traditionally Maramureş stylewooden-built house has almost acentury of existance. By renovating it and by using thecockloft space, it became a housefor dinstinguished guests. On theground floor we enter the livingroom, having a fire place and beingtraditionally decorated for restand serving lunch, a fully equippedkitchen and a modern bathroom. Our pension offers 8 boardingbeds in the cockloft, distributed in4 rooms each having 2 beds, alongwith two modern bathrooms. In the same style (traditional woodhouse) we can offer accommodationin another 2 houses: „Grandfather’sHouse” and „Borlean RusticHouse” - 2 flowers omologated.Meals and catering: traditionallycooked meals, following local recepies.
No. 689, Zăvoi Street, Vadu Izei,
Maramureş, România, 437365
tel.: +40 262 330228
e-mail: ioanborlean@vaduizei.ro