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Natural Resources

  • National Nature Park “Syniogora” – park was created to preservation, restoration and sustainable use of typical and unique natural complexes of the mountains, which have important environmental, scientific, aesthetic, recreational and sanitary importance.
  • National Nature Park “Verkhovynskyy – a park was created to study natural processes, ensuring continuous monitoring of changes in ecosystems, development of scientific bases of protection, reproduction and use of natural resources and valuable objects. The park territory covers the southern and central parts Chyvchyn Mountains. It is a single in the Ukrainian Carpathians region where the surface obtained the ancient metamorphic formations covered with sedimentary Paleozoic and Mesozoic cover. Due to the large distance from settlements and alpine difficult accessibility it were been survived the highland island of wildlife of the Ukrainian Carpathians and examples of traditional mountain culture hostess, what is the national wealth of the whole Ukraine, preserved in pristine condition a lot of natural complexes and objects that have special ecological, recreational, historical, cultural, scientific, educational and aesthetic value. Here you can see the wild brown bear, red deer, roe, wild boar, lynx, wolf, forest cat, fox, marten, otter, spotted salamander, golden eagle, capercaillie and black grouse.


Maramureş County

In Maramures Сounty, according to the classification adopted in Romania, we find all classes and types of protected areas, with a total of 198191 ha. 

  • Scientific reserves – Maramures County has three such areas: Pietrosul Rodnei; Fossil Reserve in Chiuzbaia and Piatra Rea. The scientific reserves are those protected areas whose purpose is the protection and conservation of natural habitats of land and/or water, including elements of scientific interest in terms of representative flora, fauna, geological, speleological, palaeontological, pedological or others.
  • National parks – National Park of Rodnei Mountains with an area of 47,227ha. Part of the National Park, the Pietrosul Rodnei Biosphere Reserve (since 1979), owes its importance and reputation to both geology and geomorphology of these mountains, as well as to the presence of many species of fauna and flora, endemics and glacial relict. The main purpose, for which the park was set up, is the conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna and biological diversity. Endemic wild plants, chamois and marmots are the chief protected species, thriving here in the middle of a beautiful alpine landscape spotted with glacial lakes. National parks are those protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of national representative samples for biogeographic area, including natural elements of particular value in terms of physical geography, flora, fauna, hydrological, geological, paleontological, speleological, pedological or of other nature, allowing visits for scientific, educational, recreational and touristic purpose.
  • Natural parks – Natural Park of Maramures Mountains, a combined reserve with a surface of 148,850 ha which include 10 special conservation zones. Natural parks are those protected areas whose purpose is the protection and preservation of landscape ensembles in which interaction of human activities and nature over time has created a distinct area with significant landscape value and / or cultural one, often with high biological diversity.
  • Monuments of nature – Maramures County has 18 monuments of nature:    Creasta Cocosului (Rooster’s Peak), Iezerul Mare (Great Iezer), Rozeta de piatra de la Ilba (The Stone Rosette from Ilba), Lacul Albastru - Baia Sprie (The Blue Lake), Turbaria Iezerul Mare – Muntii Gutâi (The Peat of Great Iezer), Cheile Tatarului (Tatarului Gorge), Pestera de la Valenii Somcutei (Valenii Somcutei Cave), Pestera cu Oase (Bone Cave), Stâncariile Sâlhoi Zâmbroslavele (The Cliffs of Sâlhoi Zâmbroslavele), Mlastina Vlasinescu (Vlasinescu Marsh), Taul lui Dumitru (Dumitru’s Lake), Cheile Babei (Old Lady’s Gorge), Pestera Boiu Mare (Boiu Mare Cave), Coloanele de la Limpedea (Columns of Limpedea), Pestera din dealul Solovan (Solovan Hill Cave), Mlastina Taul Negru (Black Lake Marsh), Pestera Ponorul Jitelor (ponorul Jitelor Cave), Ponorul si Pestera Izei (Ponor and Iza Cave). Monuments of nature  are those protected areas whose purpose is the protection and conservation of natural elements with value and ecological significance, scientific, special landscape, represented by plants or rare wildlife species, endemic or endangered, secular trees, floral associations and fauna, geological phenomena, caves, erosion controls, gorges, streams, waterfalls and other events and geological formations, fossil deposits and other natural elements with unique natural heritage value or rarity.

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This portal was developed within the project "Harmonisation of tourism development in rural areas Carpathian region "with the support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility Economic Development Association of Ivano-Frankivsk and does not reflect the views of the European Union.