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Natural Resources

  • Nature Reserves – There are 12 natural reservations in Maramures County: Padurea Craiasca (Craiasca Forest), Padurea Bavna (Bavna Forest), Rezervatia Arcer-Tibles (Arcer-Tibles Reserve), Cornu Nedeii-Ciungii Balasânii, T?ul Morarenilor (Morarenilor Lake), Mlastina Poiana Brazilor (Poiana Brazilor Marsh), Padurea de larice de la Costiui (Costiui Foeste of Larch), Arboretul de castan comestibil de la Baia Mare (The chesnut reserve of Baia Mare), Defileul Lapusului (Lapus Defile River), Padurea Comja (Comja Forest), Farcau-Vinderel-Mihailecu, Poiana cu narcise Tomnatec-Sehleanu (Daffodils Clearing of Tomnatec Sehleanu). Natural reserves  are those protected areas whose purpose is the protection and conservation of natural habitats and important species considering flora, fauna, forest, hydrological, geological, speleological, palaeontological, pedology.

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This portal was developed within the project "Harmonisation of tourism development in rural areas Carpathian region "with the support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility Economic Development Association of Ivano-Frankivsk and does not reflect the views of the European Union.