Description of the guesthouse:
A traditional wood house (2 flowersomologated), completely renovated,located in Zăvoi (The Wild Park), atthe confluency of the Mara and Izarivers. The interior design elementsrecreate the ambiance of a authentic Maramureş house: carpets, householdappliances, pottery. Glass iconshave their privileged place and theyare painted by the host himself. The traditionally Maramureş stylewooden-built house has almost acentury of existance. By renovating it and by using thecockloft space, it became a housefor dinstinguished guests. On theground floor we enter the livingroom, having a fire place and beingtraditionally decorated for restand serving lunch, a fully equippedkitchen and a modern bathroom. Our pension offers 8 boardingbeds in the cockloft, distributed in4 rooms each having 2 beds, alongwith two modern bathrooms. In the same style (traditional woodhouse) we can offer accommodationin another 2 houses: „Grandfather’sHouse” and „Borlean RusticHouse” - 2 flowers omologated.Meals and catering: traditionallycooked meals, following local recepies.
more...Description of the guesthouse:
Smarald Guesthouse is located in aspecial area of Târgu Lăpuş town,with a picturesque landscape nearthe lake. This area is perfect forspending a relaxing holiday awayfrom the city noise. The guesthouse has 9 rooms withbathroom, terrace and TV, for a totalof 18 people. Also, there is wirelessinternet, dining room, privateparking, garden with gazebo andbarbeque. Meals are based on the traditionalcuisine of the local area and thefood is natural, mostly made by theowner or from local authorized producers.The guesthouse owners receivedirectly the guests and they arepermanently in contact with themthroughout the stay in the pension. Also, the owners can offer variousrecreational opportunities. If you are accommodated in the Smaraldguesthouse, you can enjoy therecreational possibilities in the areawhich are full of history and culture.
Description of the guesthouse:
Tămaş House is a guesthouse locatedin Târgu Lăpuş town fromMaramureş County, the exit towardRohia village. The guesthouse has 8 doublerooms, can accommodate 16 peopleand is 2 flowers certified. In thepension there is private parking, garden, dining place, kitchen, children’splayground, 2 bathrooms, wireless internet and TV. Upon request we can providebreakfast, lunch and dinner orother options, if desired. The foodis natural, most of them are fromour own production (meat, eggs, vegetables, honey, brandy). The building was completely renovatedin the spring of 2011 andoffer very good accommodationcondition. The tourists who arrived in theLand of Lăpuş can visit Rohiamonastery, wooden churches, craftsmen or can go hiking in thearea.
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